Exasoft was assigned to process calculations for a very large rectification (c.500,000 accounts, over 1 million letters) and involving several large mortgage books.
Initially we built a bespoke calculation wizard to allow entry of data and the calculation and this then developed into a batch solution.
We worked on and offsite with our client and within 2 months we were sending letters to customers.
A third party was involved in producing the data for this rectification and Exasoft provided the workflow for calculations, production of letters, update files for the core systems and output of result files for cheque production and to meet MI requirements.
Our system was also used for furthers to process D&I and consequential loss and for reminder letters.
The letter requirements within this rectification were extremely complex as we had to handle open/closed accounts for multiple brands and a variety of scenarios.
Our Redress Manager solution was used for workflow processing including various QA steps and external updates and our letter module was used to produce the complex letters, with these then being printed by Communisis.